SeaNova Capital LLC’s Blog

New Art Exhibits in the United States

New Art Exhibits in the United States

An art exhibition is a space where art is presented to an audience, typically featuring tangible displays such as paintings, drawings, photography, sculptures, performances, and videos. The 18th century saw the opening of the first art exhibitions in France and...

Entrepreneurship Trends in 2023

Entrepreneurship Trends in 2023

The entrepreneurial spirit is becoming more prominent globally as people increasingly turn to self-employment to achieve their goals. People are keen on the fact that starting their own business could mean more flexibility and a better work-life balance. The internet...

Speaking Habits That Make or Break a Leader

Speaking Habits That Make or Break a Leader

Many people who aspire to be in positions of power but do not know how to behave once they get there are not only missing out on the opportunity to develop their leadership skills but also failing at connecting with others. One of the most important factors people can...

The Best Art Books

The Best Art Books

One of the most challenging parts of starting a new art business is not having a built-in support system. There are no peers or instructors who will tell you when to get to the studio or how to approach your work. You also don't have a lot of time to think about your...

The Impact of NFTs in Art

The Impact of NFTs in Art

Over the past year, the topic of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has been hot. While much of the discourse surrounding these digital assets has been focused on the investor side, there has been a lack of discussion about the artist's perspective. This is because the...

Understanding Financial Entrepreneurship

Understanding Financial Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship finance is a process utilized by entrepreneurs to acquire capital and make financial decisions for their new business. Most of the time, these individuals spend time securing the necessary resources to launch their company. They then approach...

Are you a Manager or a Leader?

Are you a Manager or a Leader?

Many people think that being a manager or holding a title or position is the same as being a leader but this isn't actually true. Anyone can give you a title or a position, but you can't be a leader until someone chooses to follow you. In fact, you don't even need a...

Tips on How to Be an Effective Mentor

Tips on How to Be an Effective Mentor

Becoming a mentor is a worthwhile experience that allows you to help others as you enrich your own life. You'll get more out of the experience if you work to become a more effective mentor. This involves honing certain traits and skills to help you serve your mentee...

The impact of big data

The impact of big data

Big data combines different forms of data in large quantities across different sources. Compared to a few decades ago, data and information are being created, stored, managed, and shared at faster speeds and with greater accuracy. Nowadays, big data has transformed...

Key business trends for the next few years

Key business trends for the next few years

The world of business is in a state of constant change. If an entrepreneur wishes to keep their brand successful, they must follow the latest business trends. This means doing research.  For instance, creators can now do business online, no longer limited to the...